Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Easy Gum Paste Flowers Tips For Beginners

This is one of the cupcake decorations, that many ask about. It is also one of the gum paste flowers that I always have lots of for later use. The cutter that I have used here, are a Petunia flower cutter. I have it in three sizes and the one used here are the largest of the three cutters that I have.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Follow this tutorial and learn how to make a gum paste flower. Use them to adorn your cakes and cupcakes as you can never get to many of these sweet flowers!
Excuse the bright colours, I made these cupcakes for a summer BBQ at a co-worker's house. The cupcakes were just a plain vanilla (made ultra-delicious with some Caribbean vanilla) but some butter cream icing and a few gum paste flowers as decoration make them much more exciting.

Gum paste is a sugar dough that has a special ingredient added Gum Tragacanth. giving flowers  This essential ingredient makes the paste stretchable, elastic and pliable; well, sort of like a gum! Because of this, gum paste can be rolled very thinly, even as thin as paper. And this what makes a very real-life looking petals for flowers. It also dries hard and you can pretty much keep the item forever.

One of the big questions cake designers face when making flowers for their cakes is whether to make gum paste from scatch or simply buy it premade from a kitchen supply store. Homemade gum paste is better than premade in most cases because it is less expensive and creates a product that is easier to use. Premade gum paste tends to be a little stiffer and more likely to crack

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