Friday 26 July 2013

5 Simple Camp Rules For Kids And Camp Safety

These camp safety rules may seem too obvious to need mentioning, but veteran campers will attest to how often they see camping kids in potentially dangerous situations because nobody told them the rules - or did not enforce them.
1 Always use the "Buddy" System                

Insist that the kids never leave the campsite alone - they must always have at least one other person with them. This is especially important for young and new campers.The most important part of these common-sense rules is that they be enforced! As an adult it is your responsibility to give more than just give lip-service to kids campsite safety The best approach is to gather the kids after the campsite is set-up, and with no other distractions, make them sit in front of you while you explain these rules

2 No open flames in tents (including candles and lighters)
Candles get knocked over, and kids play with lighters. A tent is not a place for open flames.

3  Always wear shoes, (footwear), in camp
Never let kids go barefoot in camp. Broken toes and puncture wounds will ruin a camping weekend.

4 No food or snacks in tents (even unopened candy bars)
The most common problem caused by food in tents is ants scavenging the crumbs, but animals such as squirrels and raccoons, (and even bears), camp for summer holiday can even smell unopened food and will not hesitate to tear holes in tents, or even completely destroy them in their efforts to get to the food they smell.

5 No running in camp! (or horseplay)
This would seem like just common sense, considering all the trip hazards in a campsite; tent and tarp guy-lines, exposed roots, etc., but it's not for young kids having fun. Just imagine a young camper tripping or careening into the campfire and you can understand why this rule must be enforced.

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